Set of Celtic Gods: Danu Dagda Brighid Cernunnos and Morrigan
Set of Celtic Gods: Danu Dagda Brighid Cernunnos and Morrigan
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$27.90 USD
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$27.90 USD
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This is hand carved small wooden Celtic Altar with Danu Dagda Brighid Cernunnos and Morrigan
All figurines are approximately 10 centimeters (4 inches) tall.
They are made of linden tree and are covered with linseed oil and wax.
You can buy a set of 6 deities or choose any Celtic figurine separately. My listings have a selection of deities in the same size and design.
Goddess DANU is the most ancient of the Celtic gods. She was referred to as the mother of the Irish gods, which indicates that she was a mother goddess. In this guise she probably represented the earth and its fruitfulness.
God CERNUNNOS is a horned god found in Celtic mythology. He is connected with male animals, particularly the stag in rut, and this has led him to be associated with fertility and vegetation.With his mighty antlers, Cernunnos is a protector of the forest and master of the hunt. He is a god of vegetation and trees in his aspect as the Green Man, and a god of lust and fertility when connected with Pan, the Greek satyr. In some traditions, he is seen as a god of death and dying, and takes the time to comfort the dead by singing to them on their way to the spirit world.
In Irish mythological cycles, Goddess BRIGHID (or Brighit, Brigid), whose name is derived from the Celtic brig or "exalted one", is the daughter of the Dagda. Brighid was the patron of poets and bards, as well as healers and magicians. She was especially honored when it came to matters of prophecy and divination. Brigid is a Fire Goddess associated with smithcraft and possibly a fire cult.
The Goddess MORRIGAN is the term given to Goddess Morrigan, one of the triple Goddesses in Celtic mythology. She represented the circle of life and was associated with both birth and death.he is also described as being the patroness of revenge, magic, priestesses, night, prophecy and witches.She is often depicted as a triple goddess but this varies by source. In Celtic mythology, the number three has incredible significance. At times, Morrigan is featured as one of three sisters while other times she is a singular figure.
God DAGDA, (Celtic: “Good God”)also called Eochaid Ollathair (“Eochaid the All-Father”), or In Ruad Ro-fhessa (“Red One of Great Wisdom”), in Celtic religion, one of the leaders of a mythological Irish people, the Tuatha Dé Danann (“People of the Goddess Danu”). The Dagda was credited with many powers and possessed a caldron that was never empty, fruit trees that were never barren, and two pigs—one live and the other perpetually roasting. He also had a huge club that had the power both to kill men and to restore them to life. With his harp, which played by itself, he summoned the seasons.
Only a single copy!
All figurines are approximately 10 centimeters (4 inches) tall.
They are made of linden tree and are covered with linseed oil and wax.
You can buy a set of 6 deities or choose any Celtic figurine separately. My listings have a selection of deities in the same size and design.
Goddess DANU is the most ancient of the Celtic gods. She was referred to as the mother of the Irish gods, which indicates that she was a mother goddess. In this guise she probably represented the earth and its fruitfulness.
God CERNUNNOS is a horned god found in Celtic mythology. He is connected with male animals, particularly the stag in rut, and this has led him to be associated with fertility and vegetation.With his mighty antlers, Cernunnos is a protector of the forest and master of the hunt. He is a god of vegetation and trees in his aspect as the Green Man, and a god of lust and fertility when connected with Pan, the Greek satyr. In some traditions, he is seen as a god of death and dying, and takes the time to comfort the dead by singing to them on their way to the spirit world.
In Irish mythological cycles, Goddess BRIGHID (or Brighit, Brigid), whose name is derived from the Celtic brig or "exalted one", is the daughter of the Dagda. Brighid was the patron of poets and bards, as well as healers and magicians. She was especially honored when it came to matters of prophecy and divination. Brigid is a Fire Goddess associated with smithcraft and possibly a fire cult.
The Goddess MORRIGAN is the term given to Goddess Morrigan, one of the triple Goddesses in Celtic mythology. She represented the circle of life and was associated with both birth and death.he is also described as being the patroness of revenge, magic, priestesses, night, prophecy and witches.She is often depicted as a triple goddess but this varies by source. In Celtic mythology, the number three has incredible significance. At times, Morrigan is featured as one of three sisters while other times she is a singular figure.
God DAGDA, (Celtic: “Good God”)also called Eochaid Ollathair (“Eochaid the All-Father”), or In Ruad Ro-fhessa (“Red One of Great Wisdom”), in Celtic religion, one of the leaders of a mythological Irish people, the Tuatha Dé Danann (“People of the Goddess Danu”). The Dagda was credited with many powers and possessed a caldron that was never empty, fruit trees that were never barren, and two pigs—one live and the other perpetually roasting. He also had a huge club that had the power both to kill men and to restore them to life. With his harp, which played by itself, he summoned the seasons.
Only a single copy!
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